Friday, July 10, 2009

Entering "District 9"

Quietly poised to capitalize on the inevitable disappointment of audiences foolish enough to bank on "G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra" being anything but disastrous, "District 9" (Screen Gems; 08/14) opens a week later on the heels of a killer viral campaign that's gives just enough away without spoiling its promise to deliver something genuinely unique (an increasing rarity, especially in the dumb, hot days of Hollywood summer). The title refers to a quarantined zone in South Africa where alien visitors from the recent past have been indefinitely contained without public disclosure of the catastrophic implications of human contact. Peter Jackson is presenting the film as executive producer, and his endorsement bodes well for commercial prospects and geek appeal alike. The trailer speaks for itself, and smacks of "Cloverfield" with its you-are-here approach to the conventional alien invasion set-up.

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